Ispira Summary Price Index 2015
Ispira Retail Intelligence - SS2015
Ispira’s competitive benchmarking involved 11 brands in 2015 (4 online), 13 brands in 2014 (6 online), 13 brands in 2013 (6 online), 11 in 2012 (4 online). Same-store comparison shows 1% shopping bag price decrease in 2015 vs 2014 and 2% decrease in 2015 vs 2012.
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H&M and Zara have lowest price level, Zara and Promod have highest price reduction compared to 2014. Compared to 2014, Liu Jo Online and Benetton had the largest average price increase.
Knitwear, dresses, denim had the largest price increase in the last 12 months; biggest reductions against in jackets and trousers. Skirts, blouses, tees show limited variations against 2014.
Ispira Price Index decreased 1% in 2015 compared to 2014. Liu Jo online had the biggest increase, limited growth for Benetton and H&M. On the other side Zara both Online and store, Promod had largest reduction.
Ispira Price Index shows 2% reduction in 2015 compared to 2012. Mango Liu Jo online had the biggest increase, limited growth for Benetton and H&M. On the other side Zara both Online and store, Promod had largest reduction.
Average Price of online stores is 3-5% lower than the corresponding physical store as customers expect that lower operating costs convert into lower final price.
Online available assortment represent a growing multiple of offline stores. On average it’s 1.8 times ranging from 1.2 to 4.4