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Retail Intelligence - 2010 vs 2007 comparison

clothing, apparel, fashion

Our competitive benchmarking involved 7 brands that have been audited in the same store on apr 2010, apr 2009 and apr 2007. Results confirm strong price pressure in clothing. Leading international retailers as H&M, Mango, Zara, Promod keep ahead of competition by aggressive price reduction.

Zara and H&M achieve the strongest price decrease over the 3-year period. Mango performs the biggest decrease against 2009. Bershka, -6% in the last 3 years, gets a +7% vs 2009. Liu Jo shows +5% in the last 3 years, -1% against 2009. Overall, the panel shows a price reduction of 10%

Price deflation has been measured in all functions with the exception of t-shirts and tops. Strong pressure on dresses, denim and skirts. Overall, the panel shows a price reduction of  10 in the last 3 years%

All brands show an increase in total number of options with the exception of Benetton. Bershka, H&M and Mango lead the growth with more than 30% change compared to 2007. However Zara has reduced total offer compared to 2009. Overall, the panel shows a range width grow of 21%vs 2007 and -3%vs 2009

H&M has the lowest price level (Bershka was the cheapest in 2009). The other 5 brands are ranked with a Price index ranging from 1,1 for Bershka to 1,9 for Benetton. In 2007 Zara was more expensive than Benetton and Mango

Five brands expand the womenswear accessories offer. Overall, the panel shows a 23% increase in number of options in the last 3 years and +5% against 2009. The number of accessories is 65% of clothing offer, peaking 111% in H&M

thinkretail (05/05/2011 - 21:34)

2011 benchmarking has been released, summary results published on this page

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